4th TO 2nd century b.c
the founder of empire was chandragupta maurya
3 great kings of mauryan empire
Chandragupta maurya 321 B.C TO 298 B.C
Bindusara maurya 298 B.C TO 273 B.C
Ashoka maurya 273 B.C TO 232 B.C
T he last king of mauryan dyanasty was Brihadratha mauryan
he was killed by commander-in -chife pusyamitra sunga
4th TO 2nd century b.c
the founder of empire was chandragupta maurya
3 great kings of mauryan empire
Chandragupta maurya 321 B.C TO 298 B.C
Bindusara maurya 298 B.C TO 273 B.C
Ashoka maurya 273 B.C TO 232 B.C
T he last king of mauryan dyanasty was Brihadratha mauryan
he was killed by commander-in -chife pusyamitra sunga