SULTANATE OF DELHI 
                          (1206-1526 A.D)                          

The Delhi Sultanate

after the death of Ghori his governor Qutb-ud-din-Aai buk became the king to his
 territories in India 
The period from (1206-1526 A.D) came to be known as the sultanate period 

Mamaluk means slave in Arabic (slave dynasty)
The first king of Delhi sultanate was
Qutb-ud-din aai buk(1206-1210 A.D)
after his death, Iltutmish 
became the sultan
Iltutmish(1211-1236 A.D)

he expanded the empire from Bengal to Sindh and from the Himalayas to Vindhya's 

he introduced coins in Arabic script 
silver coins are tanka
copper coins are jital

he completed the construction of Qutub Minar
built colleges at Delhi one is Nasirya Madarsa
other  Musiya Madarsa 
he announced 
his daughter Razia as his successor(Razia Sultan)

Razia Sultan (1236-1240 A.D) 

She was the first lady ruler in the of Sultanate period. 
She defeated
and killed Firoz Shah who ascended
the throne after the death of
but political games played by nobles(Chalisa) a group of rebel led by Bahram Shah against her 
she was killed in 1240 A.D
Balban (1266-1287 A.D)

In 1266 A.D Balban came in power as Sultan he killed all the members of nobles (Chalisa members)

Balban assumed the title ulluk khan
consolidated the Delhi Sultanate empire 
propsed kingship theory
first to assume Nayi-bekhudayi
first to assume zill-e-llahi(shadow of God)

he suppressed all the rebels and one of the first kings to protect borders
it was done to counter
 the Mongol attacks special officers at the border.
he maintenand law and order and successful in
 stopping them 
he died in 1287 A.D due to loss of his son in Mongol
an encounter that makes him the week 
and led to a death 
his tomb was the first true arch building in India 

The thron was succeeded by his grand son qaiqabad 
khaliji revolution
Jalaluddin khalji the commander 
of  Balaban revolt against the king and killed him 
thus the mamaluk dynasty was ended this is about the 
first dynasty of sultanate  there are other dynasty's of sultans 
Khalji (1290-1320 A.D)
Tughluq(1320-1413 A.D)
Sayyid (1413-1451 A.D)
LODI (1451-1489 A.D)



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